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Hey there, fellow trade business owners! It's Greg Allan here, and I've got a great topic to discuss today on the Tradies Success podcast, joined by my wonderful wife, Frankie.

Why Couldn't You Switch Off?

Frankie brings up an excellent question that she used to ponder about me when we were growing our electrical business. She wanted to know why I couldn't switch off in the evening. You know, I'd finish work at my strict deadline of 4 p.m., but when I got home, I wasn't really present with my family.

The Pressure of Business Ownership

The root of the issue lies in the immense pressure that comes with being a business owner. You've probably heard people say, "As a business owner, you wear many hats." But let me tell you, it's more than just a saying; it's a reality. When I started, I didn't fully comprehend what that meant.

The Fear of Hiring

One of the biggest obstacles I faced was the fear of hiring someone. I was afraid that if I hired more people, it would put a strain on our finances. The result? I ended up doing everything myself. This placed tremendous stress on me, my family, and even the team.

The Breakthrough: Setting a Strict Deadline

The turning point came when I set a strict deadline of 4 p.m. to finish work. No excuses. This deadline forced me to reconsider my approach. I realized that the only way to grow and relieve some of the pressure was to bring in more team members. It was scary, but it had to be done.

Embracing Growth and Responsibility

As soon as we started bringing in more team members and delegating responsibilities, something remarkable happened: growth. And not just any growth, but significant, rapid growth. It became evident that I couldn't do it all on my own.

Creating Space for Family

Frankie and I had a young family, and I wanted to be present during those precious hours between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. This family time was sacred, and it was the motivation I needed to make a change.

The Importance of Systems

Handing over responsibilities to others is a crucial step, but it doesn't end there. Building effective systems is equally essential. Without the right systems, your business won't run smoothly, and you'll remain tied to it.

The Freedom Fighters Program

Our Freedom Fighters program at the Tradies Success Academy is designed to help trade business owners like you transform their businesses and personal lives. It's about building a strong foundation, brick by brick, and achieving operational time freedom.

So, to all you hardworking trade business owners out there, remember that your determination and drive to create a better future for your family are commendable. But to truly enjoy that future, consider seeking help, building the right systems, and embracing growth. With the right approach, you can switch off when needed, be there for your family, and create the life you've always envisioned.

Thanks for joining us on the podcast. Until next time, stay inspired and keep pushing forward!


